We will process your request in the order it was received. Due to the high volume of requests, we will do our best to respond to your request as quickly as possible.
You only need to submit one request per loan to be placed in queue. Calling to check status or submitting another request on the same loan will only create further delays.
Important Items to Know
If you can pay your mortgage, pay your mortgage. Forbearance does not erase what you owe – you are required to repay any missed payments at a future date.
If your loan includes an escrow account to pay mortgage insurance, homeowners insurance and/or property taxes, you may opt to make voluntary escrow payments to avoid an escrow deficiency prior to the next scheduled escrow analysis. Otherwise, you may be required to make up the deficiency in equal month payments over a twelve (12) month period.
For the latest COVID-19 updates regarding Northpointe Bank please use the following resources:
Thank you for your patience and we look forward to assisting you.