One of the biggest challenges facing first-time homebuyers is having enough money for down payment
and closing costs. Northpointe Bank offers several programs that can help. As a participating lender
with the South Carolina Housing Finance and Development Authority (SC Housing), qualified borrowers
could receive a competitive fixed-rate home loan with down payment or closing cost assistance,
depending on the program. Buying a home may be more affordable than you think.
Program Features
Programs available for first-time and repeat homebuyers purchasing a primary residence
FHA, VA, and USDA rural development financing available
Income limits and purchase price limits apply and vary by county
Homebuyer education course required
Northpointe Bank is authorized to originate FHA, VA, and USDA loans, but is not an agent of, or affiliated with, the U.S. Government.
All loans subject to credit review and approval. This is not a commitment to lend. Other terms and conditions may apply.